


全國學習專線 8:00-22:00
上海新虹橋NHA美國高中課程,通往美國前50大學的途徑  10余門AP課程可供學生選擇  學生畢業授予美國華盛頓高中畢業證書  
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  • 姓 名: Peens
  • 當前等級:特約主講
  • 所屬學校: 上海新虹橋NHA美國高中課程
  • 授課類別:面授
Mr. Peens holds a bachelor’s degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from North-West university from South Africa, where he also completed a postgraduate diploma in business management and TEFL certificate part-time. He has worked as an engineer in the largest gold mining company in South Africa as an engineer while teaching part-time physics and math to college students. In 2018 he started his teaching career in China, teaching various of subjects in the STEM field. He is passionate about electronics and in his spare time creating an online course to teach students and hobbyist electronics and DIY projects. He wishes to create an environment where students could grow emotionally, mentally, socially and physically. His interest includes vlogging, cycling and travelling.

關于我們 | 聯系我們 | 上海新虹橋NHA美國高中課程地址:上海市長寧區虹橋路2206號 咨詢電話:400-688-0112
滬ICP備18018862號-5 網站地圖 注冊 登錄 招生合作 版權/投訴 免責聲明 更新時間:2025-01-08
莆田市| 唐山市| 兴宁市| 安庆市| 库尔勒市| 光山县| 商城县| 奉化市| 新巴尔虎右旗| 南康市| 古浪县| 通山县| 通辽市| 盈江县| 桂林市| 青冈县| 天等县| 平邑县| 汉中市| 湟源县| 临汾市| 伊春市| 永定县| 高碑店市| 潜江市| 铁力市| 夏津县| 临清市| 山阳县| 县级市| 二手房| 赤峰市| 河南省| 滨州市| 砀山县| 汽车| 青河县| 云南省| 安泽县| 莆田市| 且末县|