


全國學習專線 8:00-22:00
上海曙海進修學校致力于提供高端應用型口譯人才培養  項目包括劍橋同聲傳譯,外教口語,國際漢語教師,國際英語教師  10余年語言相關的職業技能培訓經驗  
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  • 姓 名: Samuel老師
  • 當前等級:特約主講
  • 所屬學校: 上海曙海進修學校
  • 授課類別:面授
  Samuel Fensterheim is Professor of English at CAD institute,Soran University in Soran,Iraq and also a private tutor of both Persian and Spanish.After finishing his time in the British Cycling Team Samuel undertook a BA in Human Geography which he completed between Aberystwyth,Wales and Missoula,Montana,USA.
  Prior to making his way to Iraq he also taught in South Korea,Tajikistan and Afghanistan where he worked as an ESL teacher also.Samuel is a true polyglot and in addition to blog writing in Persian is going to put his Spanish to good use next year when he starts his master’s in the Pedagogy of Foreign Languages.He is also currently learning French,Arabic and Kurdish.He is a real language enthusiast and intends to teach both Persian and English at university level in the future.In his spare time Samuel goes hiking and works out regularly.

關于我們 | 聯系我們 | 上海曙海進修學校地址:上海市楊浦區國定路335號 咨詢電話:400-688-0112
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钦州市| 神池县| 漠河县| 肇东市| 丰镇市| 白银市| 凤城市| 株洲市| 湛江市| 拜城县| 鄂托克前旗| 德州市| 增城市| 铜梁县| 治县。| 华容县| 陆河县| 北海市| 周宁县| 宿迁市| 铁岭县| 布尔津县| 长兴县| 垦利县| 苗栗市| 二连浩特市| 孙吴县| 万全县| 灵石县| 鹤庆县| 右玉县| 张家港市| 濮阳市| 财经| 肥东县| 许昌市| 莱阳市| 嫩江县| 东辽县| 吉林省| 安化县|