


全國學習專線 8:00-22:00
上海漢普森英語是一家高端英語培訓機構  提供青少兒,成人及企業定制英語培訓課程  一對一英語學習方案,中外教結合授課,線上線下雙線智學  
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  • 姓 名: King老師
  • 當前等級:特約主講
  • 所屬學校: 上海漢普森英語
  • 授課類別:面授


My name is King; I grew up in Silver Spring, Maryland, located just north of Washington DC in Montgomery County. I graduated from Wesley Teacher Training College and Maryland State University where I attained Teachers Certificate A and Bachelor of Education respectively. I have eight years of teaching experience and have taught in universities, high schools, primary schools and training schools as well. In short, I am a pragmatic, vibrant and dynamic teacher who fosters good relationship between staff and people around me and also concerned with students cognitive and social domains. To me, teaching is interesting and challenging as well, a challenge I enjoy beating.

關于我們 | 聯系我們 | 上海漢普森英語地址:黃浦校區/徐家匯校區/ 咨詢電話:400-688-0112
滬ICP備18018862號-5 網站地圖 注冊 登錄 招生合作 版權/投訴 免責聲明 更新時間:2025-01-08
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