Hakuna matata [hɑ?kunɑ mɑ?tɑtɑ] is a Swahili language phrase from East Africa; translated, it means "no trouble"
Hakuna matata是一句古老而神奇的非洲諺語,來自于swahili語 (斯瓦希里語),意為從此以后無憂無慮,夢想成真。
近期,隨著《獅子王》真人版預告片曝光,《獅子王》里那句經典的“哈庫那瑪塔塔”(Hakuna Matata)卻被推上風口浪尖,這是怎么回事兒呢?原來,非洲媒體發現他們的Hakuna Matata被美國迪士尼公司注冊為商標了。
小編只想說,我可不想每說一句hakuna matata都意味著侵權畢竟真的好喜歡這句話!你呢?
Hakuna matata歌詞
hakuna matata! what a wonderful phrase
hakuna matata! ain't no passing craze
it means no worries for the rest of your days
it's our problem-free philosophy
hakuna matata!
hakuna matata?
yeah. it's our motto!
what's a motto?
nothing. what's a-motto with you?
those two words will solve all your problems
that's right. take pumbaa here
why, when he was a young warthog...
when i was a young wart hog
very nice
he found his aroma lacked a certain appeal
he could clear the savannah after every meal
i'm a sensitive soul though i seem thick-skinned
and it hurt that my friends never stood downwind
and oh, the shame he was ashamed
thought of changin' my name what's in a name?
and i got downhearted how did ya feel?
everytime that i...
hey! pumbaa! not in front of the kids!
oh. sorry
hakuna matata! what a wonderful phrase
hakuna matata! ain't no passing craze
it means no worries for the rest of your days
it's our problem-free philosophy
hakuna matata!
hakuna matata! hakuna matata!
hakuna matata! hakuna matata!
hakuna matata! hakuna matata!
hakuna matata! hakuna--
it means no worries for the rest of your days
it's our problem-free philosophy
hakuna matata!
i say "hakuna"
i say "matata"
以上就是小編為大家整理分享的關于【「hakuna matata」竟被迪士尼注冊為商標】的詳細內容,家長們可以為自家孩子收藏了,有利于閱讀習慣的養成和兒童英語的學習。對【成人英語】學習感興趣的朋友可以在線聯系我們,也可以定期關注我們,了解更多關于少兒英語的學習資訊......